This version allows a selection of text fonts and sizes, selected from the Font and Size popup menus, as well as the application creator for exported files.
<p> on Option-Return in Field
When checked, enters the <P> paragraph code by typing Option-Return.
Arrow Keys in Text
When checked, enables the cursor keys to be used to navigate within a text field rather than card-to-card.
Always Parse HTML on Import
If the imported document contains either a pair of Header tags or a </BODY> tag, you will be asked to move the HTML language tag <HTML> and header contents to the Header area, and everything after the closing </BODY> tag to the footer area. If these tags do not exist in the original document, all imported text will be left in the Body.
If errors are found, error notices will inform you of any missing elements of a pair, and the process will exit. Note that error checking does not check for multiple occurrences, only the existence of at least one set of HTML tags. This may cause the parser to misinterpret the code and produce unpredictable results.
Display Tool Palette When in Editor
When checked, enables automatic display of the tool palette upon entering the Editor window.
Wrap Editor Text
When checked, allows text wrapping within the Header, Body and Footer areas.
Since we're still operating in the HyperCard environment, I've added an automatic stack compaction feature.
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